Thursday, December 27, 2018

Save your temperature sensitive goods by storing them in Coldman’s Cold Storage in Chennai.

Cold Storage is a place where goods such as meat, vegetables, pharmaceuticals, dairy products are stored to avoid rotting of the goods from high temperature, the goods are stored in refrigerated or frozen storage facilities under 3 °C (38 °F) temperatures. Cold Storage reduces the wastages of the perishable commodities and thus providing remunerative prices to the growers. Coldman which is Cold Storage Company in Chennai will help you in storing your perishable goods in the non-rotten able area.

It is obvious that in the high temperature of Chennai commodities that need to be stored in cool place gets rotten because of hot temperature. Consumable products such as meat, fish and even medicines can get spoiled if not taken proper care. So to help you with this issue Coldman which is Cold Storage Company in Chennai will allow you to store all perishable commodities. Companies who deal with products such as meat which need to be transported to hotels, cafes, restaurants etc. have to make sure that the goods should be delivered safely without getting damaged. Other important costly raw materials like dry fruits, chemicals, essences and processed foods like fruit juice/pulp, concentrated dairy products, frozen meat, fish and eggs can be stored in our Cold Storage Company in Chennai

There are a lot of businesses out there that handle perishable or temperature sensitive products. Cold storage warehouses give them a place to store those products safely. But we aren’t just a way to store your goods; it’s a good way to ship them too. Cold Storage Company in Chennai will process, package, and deliver your goods almost anywhere in refrigerated couriers, meaning the temperature stays exactly how it should the whole trip. So if you think you want to store you temperature sensitive products in your own storage, then you can with knowledge of storing particular goods at a particular temperature. But the real problem arises when it needs to be transported from one place to another. To help you with this we also offer to transport your temperature sensitive products in our refrigerated courier vans when it is necessary so that it can stay how it needs to be.

So what Types of Goods do we store?

Meat and non-veg products: people who own slaughterhouses knows well that it need to be stored at a cool temperature at the same time unwrapped and hung so that air can circulate around them. As slaughterhouses mostly supplies to hotels, restaurant and other places where food is served to consumer should make sure it is clean and hygiene, non-veg products such as meats, Seafood, chicken etc. can easily get rotten by high temperature, so we keep it under 4°C (39°F) or colder. So that you can maintain your goodwill in the market.

Dairy products: 
As the fat in dairy products absorb strong aroma from the around environment we store it in a separate storage room at temperatures of 2°C to 4°C (36° to 39°F). and we make sure is always kept clean.

Friday, December 21, 2018

Stay cool, stay safe with Coldman’s service of Cold Storage in Ahmedabad

Are you looking for Cold Storage Company in Ahmedabad? Does your companies deal with manufacturing or exporting of ice creams, Dairy Products, Eggs, Meat Products, Poultry Products, Fish and Shellfish, Fruits or Vegetables. Then you need to store your products in Cold Chain Companies to avoid the products to get rotten. Many companies who deal with these kinds of products face business loss every day because of improper storage of food. The suggested storage time of relies upon on what kind of food it is and the length of time and temperature the food is stored, before and after you purchase it. Properly storing food results in enhance nutritional quality, reduced waste from decay, decreased risk in foodborne disease when eaten, and fresher, better-tasting food. So choose Coldman who are best Cold Storage Company in Ahmedabad to avoid these businesses loses.

Why choose Coldman over other Cold Storage Company in Ahmedabad?

With our team who has complete industry knowledge about food storage and the freezing temperature of foods, our only goal is to maintain the quality of the food that no other Cold Storage Company in Ahmedabad.  For instant; Dry Foods we know that it needs to be kept dry and also at the ideal temperature range of 10°C to 15°C (50°F to 59°F). Where our storerooms are free from rodents and vermin and all wall, ceiling, and floor openings are sealed and protected to prevent access.

Dairy products: We store in the refrigerator at temperatures of 2°C to 4°C (36° to 39°F). We also follow these basic guidelines:
•           As the fat in dairy products has a habit to absorb strong odours from the storage environment.  To avoid this we have its own area in protective coverings.
•           We keep refrigerator clean at all times.

Produce food (fruits, vegetables, grains etc.): Such types of products we store at 2° to 4°C (36° to 39°F) to ensure freshness and to prevent rapid deterioration.

Fresh Meats, Poultry, and Seafood: We know how expensive these products are in the market so we keep it under 4°C (39°F) or colder. We will make sure that carcass meats is unwrapped and hung so that air can circulate around them. And the cut meat such as steaks, chops, stewing meat, and ground meat is stored and kept covered on plastic or stainless steel trays at 2°C to 4°C (36°F to 39°F).

We also provide Exclusive Pharma Zones for all medical products we store under strict conditions; requirements such as hygiene, temperature, traceability are paramount in this sector. We store medical products at temperature zones (Ambient (15–25ºC), Cold Room (2–8ºC), Freezers (minus 25–minus 15ºC) and Ultra-low Temperature Freezer Rooms (<minus 25ºC). we make sure the storage in a clean and protected environment.

So choose best for your product and avoid all kinds of storage and weather damage by availing Coldman which is Chain Company in Ahmedabad services.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

How Cold Storage Companies in Chennai Can Improve Your Business?

The Cold Storage Companies in Chennai is the concept of export functions of marketing where by goods produced in one city are shipped to another city for future sale or marketing. The marketing such a goods adds to the producing nation’s gross output. If used for marketing, exports are exchanged for other products or services in related countries. When   export is intermingling within the Cold Storage. It in bounds the concept of cold and product ethic. Our aforesaid details are clearly expels, that the functions can be accessed in a correct axis.

Cold Storage Companies in Chennai is real-time visibility of inventory for your temperature sensitive products with a large range of cold temperatures, ranging from -25°C to +5°C. That ambient warehousing is also available. Our Cold Storage is a multipurpose with advanced Cold Storage Company at Schedulers we have multiple storage chambers with suitable for all food products. All goods/foods a reserve under extremely hygienic storages and we always give more emphasis to overall cleanliness. Whether you need cooler, dry storage, freezer, cold storage transportation management services, and room freezing, translating, import/export services or distribution, just trust Schedulers and relax.
We intent to issue warehouse goods receipt to the exporter against stock kept in Cold Storage Companies in Chennai. The main advantage on this store house goods receipt exporter/grower can avail market  against loan from their respective to their banker in their own country for which we cold store Companies operator intent facility to get necessary statuary certificate. Ordinal/third   person permission to profit loan against stock by exporter/grower by the means and ways.

Cold Storage Companies in Chennai is learnt some of the exporters/growers keeping their cargos in eye sore area because of space constraint and less facility. We trust our single window model operational of our latest storage facility will finish all of the difficuilties and lead the exporters and growers to a thorn less path.
The bigest strength of Cold Storage Companies in Chennai is that they are currently in the field of transport and Logistics. The turn around time will be at the absolute minimum and there will be no shortage or delay in terms of transporting any kind of produce. Our truck facility which is comprehensive of data logger system shall be good and healthy. It is the main lead of a increment who can send the cargo to our cold storage ware house and exporter can raise as their own ware house to the buyers.